I fashion myself as having a very different philosophy than Dave Ramsey. Yet people quote him on my blog, in Facebook comments, on Twitter so dang often!
So maybe this big distinction I see between my approach and his is not painfully obvious to the world. Fair enough.
I thought about writing about how we are different but I think before I do that, I should actually read some of his work first. I’m willing to do that if it means that we can talk about fundamental shifts in wealth building. If it helps me understand my audience better, I will read a Dave Ramsey book. So I leave it to you, dear reader, to choose one for me. Time to vote to pick one for me:
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Before I pick up this book, let me tell you what my preconceived notions are about Dave Ramsey. I have proven myself as a journalist willing to be schooled so I am open to the fact that I may be wrong.
- I assume that Dave Ramsey is a lot about debt control. I assume is is militantly anti-debt.
- I assume he is about optimizing ordinary income and not planning for passive income.
- I assume he is more about saving eggs, not geese.
- I assume he is not the one to teach you about leveraging assets to build a large portfolio.
- I also assume he is a pretty decent dude. I assume he helps his readers understand finance in a way that no one has ever bothered to teach them. I assume he wants people to be empowered by their pay checks instead of see them slip away helplessly.
I respect Dave Ramsey, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t think we are engaged in the same financial message. So I shall pick up a book and see.
I welcome your comments and preconceived notions below!
I don’t see you as an opponent of his, I see you two being complimentary to each other. Both great teachers, in my opinion. But there’s no need for a vote, read Total Money Makeover.
That seems to be the overwhelming winner. Downloading! Thanks Nick!
I love Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover book. It is what got me started in personal finance. I used to be one of the people who saw my credit card’s remaining credit as how much money I have left. Now that I heave educated myself, I do not agree to some of his philosophy but he is definitely one of the best ones out there. I refer to his teachings as the “alcoholic anonymous” for people who are addicted to being in debt.
Dave is based here in Nashville and I’ve known him for years (not like my best friend though). His teachings are how not to make stupid mistakes that can take forever to recover from or bankrupt you.. but instead see things from a different prospective. I know you always here people say that he is against debt but that’s not entirely true. He has no problem with you getting “stuff” or buying a house but how to do it in a way that doesn’t over extend or deplete your savings/nest egg.
I think you will find that you have more in common (thinking wise) than you know.. You’re a level headed person, from what I know of you and I think you’ll enjoy the read and agree with most of it. His number one thing is don’t plan your financial future on a big lottery win or something crazy like that but plan for what is coming and be aware.
Just sayin’ 🙂
Thank you Rick! As you can see, I’m not anti this message. I just want to know if it stunts growth to a point if you follow this religiously.
Yes, Ramsey is militantly anti debt. I think his approach works very well for “creditaholics” i.e. people who can’t stop using their credit card. The problem is that he assumes we are all like that. He leaves no room for people who use their debt wisely and can manage their daily expenses. I think he is a very good person but I disagree with his one size fits all approach.
That is sort of my assumption. I see this as the FIRST step in financial management but not at all the last! You have to keep growing!
Having JUST taken his Financial Peace University, I’ve gotta say, his system makes A LOT of sense… I wish I lived his philosophy 20 years ago.
Also, the foundation for his approach, comes from a Biblical perspective. Not that you have to be a Christian to follow his system, but some may dismiss him because of that.
I’ve heard that. Some people seem to be able to tune that part out but this does seem to be a common refrain.
What is sad is that your primary education did not teach you this 20 years ago!!!
Dave deals primarily through his radio show with people who are in debt, sometimes to astonishing levels. His aggressive get-out-of-debt message and “act your wage” message is every empowering for people who need hope – kind of a mentality reset for people caught up in the consumer mindset without the money to back it up.
Part of his saving/debt reduction plan involves having an initial $1k emergency fund, then paying off debts smallest to largest, then building the emergency fund to 3-6 mos. of expenses.
Regarding investment, his primary advice is to invest in mutual funds, and to search out an investment advisor who has a teacher’s heart.
He occasionally gives advice about business and career stuff to callers, but his ministry/platform is not (I think) primarily focused on building other streams of income. He has other books/materials related to investing, legacy stuff, but his calling card is the “debt free” message.
He emphasizes behavior modification over math, hence the paying off debts smaller to largest to get quick wins as soon as possible (rather than focusing on the highest interest rate debt first). He suggest keeping a cash based budget for as much as possible because cash “hurts more” when you spend it. He is vehemently against credit cards, something which his core audience needs to hear – most have abused credit cards to a large degree.
A good starting point is “Total Money Makeover”. That’s the book I read first, and that I think capture his core appeal to his audience.
I don’t agree with much of his politics, or even how he handles some criticism, but his no-nonsense delivery and unwavering stance on consumer debt is right on.
Hope that helps!
It does help, Anthony! I do think an anti-debt message can be empowering but I don’t think financial education has to stop there. I’m looking forward to learning for myself!
Listen to some of his podcasts. You will learn all about DR in perhaps an hour for free vs spending money on his books and FPU products that his radio show is really all about selling, giving DR financial peace at the expense of his average listener.
You’re the 2nd person to suggest the podcast. Should I just start at the beginning?
Mat, You don’t need to start at the beginning of the podcasts. They are all mostly repetitive. You will learn in a week or two all his position…
I am totally on your side. I am a small real estate investor myself. I own 7 rental properties I DO leverage myself to the limit, cautiously. I started to invest in 2006 so I have gone through the up and down of real estate market. Now I have great cash flow and solid equity for the rest of my life if I chose to keep them. I think Dave Ramsey’s advise ( I can’t stand to listen to it, honestly) are maybe only good for the people who want to be in a “rat race” for the rest of their lives.
Yes! That is kind of my point! I think he is a good starter point for people whose money is out of control but once it is in control, some of these anti-debt philosophies can hold you back. I’m looking forward to learning for myself!
I am not a big Dave Ramsey fan, but he makes a few excellent points for “normal” people and debt.
First, don’t take on debt. Maybe a mortgage, but don’t overbuy.
Second, if you do take on debt, get out of it fast…as fast as you can.
Third, get an emergency fund of $1,000 and stick it away for the rainy days. Don’t spend it on debt.
Fourth, the way to get out of debt is to “snowball” by making the minimum payment to all, but hammering the smallest one first, then combining payments to the next larger debt. No, he does not take interest into account. It is a psychological thing, it appears.
Fifth, when paying off debt, sell everything that isn’t nailed down. If necessary, get a second job even if it is only delivering pizzas.
So, Natali, his schtick is not about investments because he is targeting those who are in over their heads with debt. Get out of debt, then worry about investments. I don’t think he is against investments (although he does counsel against gold).
And, he tosses in a bit of Christian philosophy. That part is weak, I think, but it is enough that many churches have taken him on with his course. And, it is not just the conservative churches that offer the course. I see it is the mainline more liberal churches, too.
I will be interested in your take. Be sure to listen to his broadcast, too. Hearing him pitch it will give it some context.
I’m especially interested in this anti-mortgage philosophy. Why is rent a better expense than a mortgage? I’m looking forward to learning this message for myself.
Natali, I have been listening to you longer than Dave Ramsey. I lost track of you for a while. But I’m glad I saw this as I read your assumptions I couldn’t find a one that weren’t wrong. So in short as you read Dave Ramsey a few things will be repeated often. 1. And really number one is carry zero debt not even to leverage. 2. Be giving. And 3. Work hard now so later you can enjoy what you have accumulated. If only I could live that way. But you can see that not ever carrying debt could be the best trick to accomplish. I also listen to money girl and as smart as she is her message is having a good credit score and leveraging your assets and other skills to benefit in this system. Bottom line you are going to hear from all disciples of who they listen to when most Sain people have a point not one size fits all. Hope I made sense. Glad I found you and Mr. Morris!
Thanks Monty! I think this message serves its own purpose in a different demographic. I’m looking forward to learning for myself!
If you’ve never read anything of his, I’d recommend The Total Money Makeover. It is a good intro to his philosophy.
That seems to be the winner. Thanks Bill!
The book to read is the The Total Money Makeover. In a nutshell, his teachings are that all debt is bad, get out of debt quickly, save for emergencies, invest, pay for your kids’ college, pay of the mortgage, and build wealth & be generous with it. You will further learn by reading that book that he was flipping houses and couldn’t pay on his notes forcing him to declare bankruptcy hence the debt free stance in all matters of life. He often quotes Zig Zigler and other inspirational speakers. If you happen to see any of his YouTube vids of him speaking, you will see that he has this aura about him (similar to a good preacher) that captivates audiences.
His get out of debt and save for emergencies are the first of the steps/teachings. All debt except the home mortgage early on, then invest, pay for college, and pay your home off come last. His advice for paying down debt and getting ‘intense’ while doing so seems to motivate a great deal of people that he reaches. I have followed it and found that his advice on a zero-based budget and prioritizing debts worked for me and countless others. You will find on other sites that he has a hardcore group of disciples if you will that will defend his teachings as the Gospel itself. My suspicion is that people want to be lead by a guru and don’t independently investigate or verify the content of the material. Again, his get out of debt advice and the order to complete some of the other steps/teachings seems to work for most.
*Spoiler: He encourages those to completely eliminate all debt and close accounts. He likens the FICO Score to an “I Love Debt score” and that the number doesn’t really matter as the FICO Score only reflects how you interact with debt and the goal is to have none.*
His investing advice leaves MUCH to be desired! He encourages listeners and readers to register at his website to get a referral to what he calls ELP’s or Endorsed Local Providers. These are stock brokers who obviously pay a fee to be a part of his referral network. He encourages the front load because each of his network providers “has the heart of a teacher”. His diversification is poor and he ONLY advises that one use large, mid, and small cap and international. That’s it, no mention ever of growth or value, emerging markets, or REITS. He discourages the use of bonds and says they are just as risky as stocks. He is either not familiar or chooses to not follow the findings of the academics (i.e. no load, low fees, diversify, etc…) and goes on rants (on the radio show) about fiduciaries and attempts to argue that you make less with a RIA vs. his network of brokers. The worst part of it all, is that he tells readers and listeners to expect 12% annual returns based on history (lol) and the actively managed funds his network brokers sell.
If you listen to the program, it is filled with quite a bit of advertising for his products. There are classes taught at churches, books by him and his company’s gurus, and live speaking events. He also steers callers to a mortgage firm he endorses that does manual underwriting since his hardcore disciples have no credit score. There also happens to be a referral network for insurance agents, tax preparation, and real estate agents. I don’t begrudge him or anybody else having multiple income sources, just be aware (in general, not you in specific Natali) that if you do/follow all advice he gives, one could just take his word for it and some of his providers may not always be in your best interest.
To summarize, his advice isn’t always applicable to everyone. Some (as I have) find that portions of his steps/teachings are useful and worthwhile while some of what he teaches requires you to go in an opposite direction. If you are religious, the bible stuff may further get on involved with his teachings since he sells what he says very well. The order of completing things with your finances seems to be in the correct order, but everyone’s life is different. I hope you find this helpful!!!
Very helpful! Thank you Scott! I’ve gotten through the first chapter. I can see how he’s got a strong sense of his brand so far but haven’t gotten to a place with actual advice yet. But your summary is a lot of what I expected. I’ll report back!!
Great comments above! Both sides of the topic.
If you read his books or know his story you can understand why he is risk-averse when he comes to investing. High interest rates and aggressive real estate investing bankrupt him when intrest rates rose (80s) and lenders called his note. Many personal trials developed his platform.
He’s built a very large business and been able to commoditize commonsense ways to handle money (short-term discipline will flow into long-term gain). Pay off consumer debt (credit cards, student loans, even the mortgage) so you can focus on wealth generation later. Most of his shows and books deal with people just learning how to handle personal finance, but he is an aggressive real-estate and mutual fund investor. For him, cash is the best way and he doesn’t have to leverage himself because he’s in a great financial position now (unlike some of us…)
His book The Legacy Journey focuses on the building wealth for the future. If you read his basic personal finance books, you should also read The Legacy Journey to understand his investment strategy after mastering personal finance.
Dave’s organization also has a great leadership podcast that is worth listening to if you own, run, or dream of leading a small business. Entreleadership.
It takes all kinds to make the investing world go around! Dave is more risk adverse than most!
Thank you for your blog!
Hi Natali!
I heard you on the bigger pockets podcast(which I LOVED!!) so I checked out your site and low and behold this was one of the articles I saw first.
Sorry I hit submit before I finished.
So in regards to your question. I learned a lot about personal finance and budgeting from Dave Ramsey. He put it in a way I could understand, because before him my husband and I were up to our eyeballs in debt. I was a Free Spirit, I spent money like there was no tomorrow and we didn’t have much in retirement. Then my company laid off 150, I wasn’t one of them, but I realized that if I lost my job tomorrow my husband and I would loose everything. So that incident made me wake up and realized that I had to grow up, however I didn’t know how to get us out of all of this DEBT. And that’s when I came across Dave. The great thing that he teaches is that financial freedom(no debt) gives you freedom. You aren’t handcuffed to your lenders & FICO score. You are FREE. Your life isn’t ruled by money and your job, you have choices.
I learned how to be the Chief Home Officer through his teachings. It enabled my husband and I to pay off $40k worth of debt in 2 years. He taught me formulas so I won’t be house poor again and so on.
As for the investment side, he grew up in real estate, his parents were agents and he made his first millions in real estate buying notes, but that is also how he lost it all and that is why he is the way he is and why he teaches what he does. He’s not against real estate investment, in fact he has a sizable portfolio of rentals himself, all of which he paid cash for. He just believes in growing slowly so you won’t loose it all and you’ll be able to leave a legacy for your family.
So when I got interested in REI, I was torn, because I had been following his philosophy for 5 years. But in order to get into REI, I had to take a huge financial risk and it was tough for me to get over that. I had worked so HARD in paying off so much debt, but I found myself in my late 30’s a new mom with still a lot of debt hanging over our head and I wanted to be a SAHM, but because I am the bread winner, I didn’t have that choice. I had to find something that would replace that income & REI seemed to fit the bill. So yes, I have had to walk away of his main principle of borrowing money, but I still use his system of attacking our debt. And I still use his zero based budget to keep things in line, both at home and with our flips.
But my end goal is to have all of our debt paid off within the next 5 years and build a sizable rental portfolio, so we will have a life of freedom. And I don’t think I would know how to do either without learning personal finance from Dave Ramsey or REI from Bigger Pockets or people LIKE YOU!! So thank you!
Nicole, thank you for this note! This is a great story!
The thing that strikes me so much about Dave Ramsey is the way he kind of blames people for getting in over their head in debt and not understanding the financial system. I don’t see it that way. He compares finance to fitness a lot and – just like fitness – I think there are a lot of institutionalized systems that keep people fat, broke, uneducated. How much hidden sugar and chemicals are in our food? How little education do we get about our financial products and system? When Dave says, “It’s on you! You’ve been dumb and now it’s time not to be dumb,” I feel like he is missing a big piece of the puzzle. That is what makes me sad. People blame themselves for being “free spirits” like you. But did anyone ever teach you any better?
That is my main beef with his writings. That and all the Christian agenda which is not for me. Otherwise I do think he is well intentioned and the man can sell books. I do not begrudge him any of it! I applaud it rather.
Thank you for sharing your story with me and for the shout out from BiggerPockets! I’m so glad to hear from other CHOs like me trying to navigate this world the best we can for our families!
Hi Natali,
Like my friend Nicole (Hi Nicole!) I also heard you on Bigger Pockets and was so impressed I had to check out your blog. And I too came across your post on Dave Ramsey right out of the gate. Unlike the others that commented, I have never read his books so I can’t comment on that. What I am here to comment on is that I was so impressed with the way you handled this comparison. You were willing to stop, think and then educate yourself before spouting off your preconceived notions about him. WOW! I wish there were more people in the world who are as self aware as you. That kind of accountability instills huge trust and for that I am grateful. Thank you for taking the time to blog and share your ideas and insights with us. I am a mom trying to launch a profitable REI machine and your level headed advice coming from a woman’s perspective is much appreciated. KEEP ON BLOGGING!
Thank you Kim!! What a nice note! I just finished the book this weekend. There is some merit, to be sure, but I think it’s just a jumping-off point for personal finance. The rest of my thoughts here: http://natalimorris.com/blog/2016/05/05/why-dave-ramsey-is-just-the-first-training-program-when-you-unplug-from-the-matrix/
One thing to consider is that Dave Ramsey is a broadcaster, he delivers his message to a vast majority of the debt ridden population. Since very few people invest in real estate his message is more relevant to the majority of the population as a whole.
Another one is most of the population is financially irresponsible, or maybe a better term – financially illiterate. Those folks would have no clue about passive turnkey real estate investing, so his program is geared for the majority of the population. I know because I teach his class in church, and in the high school where I teach. Believe me no one has a clue. His curriculum is to give them a clue, not make them investors until they get their debts paid off. Credit card debt, student loan debt, and car debt prevents people from being able to invest, hence they remain ignorant and broke. His classes teach them to at least not be broke.
Now he does have your same philosophy to a degree:
He buys and holds single family homes for investment……..he just pays cash for them. (he has scores of them with his own rehab crew and mgt team in the Nashville area)
He presents a plan so that, if followed, people have discretionary funds for emergencies, college education, and giving.
He espouses not using debt because he was broke and several million dollars in debt at one time……and his life was miserable.
AND on his radio program, he tells people to do whatever you want, it is your choice, but he just doesn’t advocate using debt. The only exception is if one is buying a house he recommends to be debt free, pay 20% down and have payments (PITI) no more than 25% of one’s take home income.
I have listened to all of the Morris Invest podcasts, as well as other passive turnkey providers and will be investing with one of you in the near future, I might even use some of my $300K IRA to do so, but will start with the $60K discretionary fund that I have now and use that as a template to move further.
I think when another financial/investor philosophy is challenged it takes away from the message Morris Invest is trying to convey (a good message I believe).
The discussion about Dave Ramsey and and Morris Invest’s methodology is really apples and oranges.
Completely agree Jim! The reason I launched my Dave Ramsay education is because I was so perplexed when people compared me to him or refuted my writing with “Dave Ramsay says….” I feel like the orange to his apple. We are not the same. I stand by my assessment: He’s a good start to people who have been underserved in their financial education. He is by no means the place to end.
Thanks for your comments! Very much appreciate! Keep up the good work teaching people to thrive!!
Thank you
DR’s advice on credit cards is ridiculous. I have been using credit cards for 50 years and have never paid a late charge and have never paid interest.I also only use CC tahtg have no annual fee and offer 2% cash back on all charges. I only charge things that i would have purchased anyway. His investment advice is totally bogus. Pay an ELP(who pays DR a kickback) to put you in a %5.75 front loaded fund that also has ongoing expenses of 1 to 2% is a recipe for disaster. If these ELPS were fiduciaries, they would be required to divulge their financial kickback relationship with DR so DR is adamantly against any laws regarding fiduciary advice. Also, these ELPS would proably have to recommend Index Funds(so little commissions for them). His kickback arrangement with other ELPS is similar so please do not follow any of his “INVESTMENT ADVICE”.
Agree! Thanks for this!!
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i previously left a comment and would like to follow up. DR never seems to reveal his true relationship to the companies he recommends and seems very disingenuous when he does recommend certain sponsors. For instance he always says how stupid timeshares are. He then recommends a timeshare exit team that charges an upfront fee. Any timeshare resale firm that charges an upfront fee is extremely suspect and most likely a scam. All his smartvestor pros sell people expensive front loaded ripoff funds. All his other recommendations are loaded with these same conflicts of interest so take any recommendation with about ten truckloads of salt. Also, his use of churches to shill for him is highly suspect and a sign of a scam. The churches don’t charge for the space, the volunteers don’t get paid, and the only one who cleans up using churches is DR himself. Shameful!!!
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Este último proceso es el más completo de tratamiento del aire del ambiente de los locales habitados, y consiste en regular las condiciones de temperatura (calefacción refrigeración), humedad, limpieza (renovación y filtrado) y movimiento del aire dentro de los locales. Este nuevo libro es quizá el único publicado en español que trata tan específicamente el tema de las averías en el frío y aire acondicionado con las posibles soluciones y tratando los componentes, instalaciones y demás conocimientos que se deben tener para abordar con éxito el conocimiento y reparación de las diversas averías de este sector.
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Le explico que eso no es justo ( a todo esto las llamadas al servicio de reparación son a un , que me ha salido la broma por casi 25 euros, sin comentarios… ) que la lavadora nunca ha estado bien reparada y me dicen que lo siente mucho pero que la unica opción que tengo es volver a pagar el arreglo suscribir el seguro, nada más. Es seguro que, si no recibo una respuesta correcta a esta queja, nunca más volveré a comprar un electrodoméstico AEG ELECTROLUX. Llevamos desde el Jueves pasado( día 22 ), hace ahora 11 días, sin lavadora, con la ropa mojada y sin que el servicio técnico aparezca por aquí para solucionar el tema. El 1/10/13 pasa el técnico y dice que el tambor de la lavadora se ha de cambiar y solicitan el recambio.
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Pensamos que la estrechez no está en el Acuerdo General de la Habana, sino en la visión que el gobierno tiene sobre las causas y consecuencias de la confrontación. Hoy 18 de octubre 2012 en Oslo (Noruega) y como jefe único del equipo negociador oficial del gobierno colombiano para la segunda fase del acuerdo pactado en la Habana, quedó claro nuevamente su papel de demoledor de acuerdos” que le señala Álvaro Leiva. LA HABANA / ANNCOL / OCTUBRE 19 / Con la instalación de la mesa de diálogo en las afueras de Oslo, comenzó el proceso de paz que desarrollarán las FARC-EP y el gobierno de Colombia. Pero pienso que ahora hay tareas más importantes para hacer en Colombia y en el mundo también.
Ofrecemos el servicio de reparación de electrodomésticos a domicilio además de proporcionar las piezas de recambio originales” y autorizadas por el fabricante para el correcto funcionamiento de los equipos. Si hace ya años de la instalacion de su equipo de aire acondicionado y ha finalizado la garantia de su equipo de aire acondicionado el servicio tecnico oficial zanussi de aire acondicionado de su marca puede que ya no se haga cargo de la reparacion. Nuestra trayectoria de mas de veinte años, en el campo de las reparaciones en Barna nos ha permitido especializarnos y tener personal altamente cualificado para la reparacion de su aire acondicionado.
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El frigorífico es uno de los pocos electrodomésticos que están conectados las 24 horas del día, y gracias a este electrodoméstico conservamos los alimentos y disfrutamos de la bebida fría. Si cuenta con un equipo de aire acondicionado es recomendable que lo mantenga en buenas condiciones para que el aire que nos acondiciona siga siendo de la mejor calidad. Para mantenerlo en buenas condiciones contrate los servicios de una empresa de reparacion aire acondicionado al menos una vez al años. Servicio de calefacción: La caldera es el único de los tres que se usa para calefacción y agua caliente sanitaria. Protégete del calor son el servicio de instalación de aire acondicionado al mejor precio y con garantía.
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En la última instalación el cliente quería conservar su caldera de gas para el agua caliente, por lo que le pusimos la caldera de pellets en paralelo con la de gas pero sólo para calefacción, además montamos un sistema que en caso de que la de pellets se quede sin combustible automáticamente arranca la de gas en modo calefacción para que no baje la temperatura de la vivienda.
El servicio técnico, presta sus servicios de lunes a viernes, facilitando cita previa a todos nuestros clientes. Para solicitar asistencia técnica puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en el teléfono 48 02 45 las 24 horas, si prefiere puede realizar un aviso de reparación on line. Adicionalmente, se ofrece un servicio especial sábados, domingos y festivos, para aquellos clientes que lo precicen. Deja enfriar los alimentos cocinados antes de introducirlos en el frigorífico , cubra los líquidos y envuelva los alimentos además evitará malos olores.
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Empresa dedicada en exclusiva al sector de la climatización, tanto para particulares como para Pymes, grandes empresas, oficinas y comercios. Nuestro técnico le reparara su caldera, termo calentador de la forma mas rapida y segura para usted, con piezas e recambio de primera calidad. Gracias a los más de 40 centros de servicio exclusivos repartidos en toda la Comunidad de Madrid, desplazamos un técnico a su domicilio en menos de 24 horas de su llamada. Para saber cual es el Servicio Técnico Madrid más cercano a su domicilio, mire la lista que le ofrecemos a continuación. En caso de no haber en su localidad, nuestro Servicio Técnico le informará del más cercano a su domicilio.
Y es que nuestros técnicos son nuestro principal activo y por ello estan en continua formación siempre para poder estar a la última en la tecnología de los principales fabricantes de electrodomésticos. De esta forma podemos llegar a todos nuestros clientes con las mejores garantías, pese a no ser el servicio técnico oficial de ninguna de estas marcas, trabajamos con las mismas garantías para su electrodoméstico. De esta forma nos comprometemos con todos nuestros clientes a acudir a realizar la reparación de su lavadora en todo Madrid.
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Djinn Amoureux, explication, symptomes et Traitements chez les musulmanesLe djinn amoureux est un démon qui vit et se cache dans le corps de sa victime et la prend comme son hôte.Ce type de djinn est amoureux de sa victime (un amour maladif très possessif) et il essaie par toutes ses forces de la posséder et de contrôler sa vie. Il se raccorde au cœur pour avoir une emprise sensationnelle. Ce démon diffuse la tristesse, la colère et plusieurs sensations négatives pour affaiblir le cœur de sa victime.Ses blocages et étouffements c’est le djin en toi qui les provoquent, pour ne pas lui donner l’occasion de faire ce qu’il veut sans entré dans les détails, évite de dormir sur le dos ou sur le ventreCe type de djinn se trouve aussi bien chez les hommes que chez les femmes, qu’ils soient célibataires ou déjà mariés. Cela dit, on le rencontre cependant plus souvent chez les femmes.I/ Parmi les symptômes :La personne atteinte peut avoir ce type de symptômes :- Ne veut jamais se marier ou change de sujets-Haine inexpliquée de l’autre sexe (masculin ou féminin)-Aime la solitude-Se regarde dans le miroir- Reste longtemps dans les toilettes, la salle de bain…- Se maquille la nuit avant de dormir des fois (les femmes)- S’énerve très rapidement et changement radical de comportement d’un extrême à l’autre.- Crise et perte de conscience si le malade se retrouve avec beaucoup de monde (par exemple dans un mariage, ou au marché…)- Refus total du mariage sans raison valable.- Rêves érotiques et rêves de mariage dans une église ou ailleurs.- Haine des bonnes odeurs et répulsion pour le Musk.- Incapacité à faire correctement les adorations comme le dikr, la prière…- Avoir des bleus sur le corps.- être paralysé dans le sommeil très fréquemment- dégoût et envie de vomir, oppression sur la poitrine surtout quand lemalade voit son conjoint, il (le malade) préfère qu’il (son conjoint) soit loin de lui.II/ Les raisons principales qui causent cette maladie :- Le mauvais oeil, surtout chez les personnes qui attirent les regards des autres par leur physique.- Un sihr de divorce (pratiquement dans tous les sihrs de divorce on trouve un djinn amoureux)- Le manque de pratique dans la religion- le Sihr tassfih (sort de virginité), pour empêcher les jeunes filles d’avoir des relations sexuelles avant le mariage- Un toucher par un djinn depuis très longtemps.- lire des histoires d’amour et voir des films érotiques.- Le manque de guidée vers le droit chemin et d’adorations.- La présence d’autres personnes malades dans la famille, comme les parents ou autre, sous un même toit- La femme qui ne porte pas Al-hijab Charii (le voile légal) qui est une protection importante chez les femmes.III/ Traitements de cette maladie :L’auteur de laqt al Morjan a dit : la raison pour laquelle le djinn amoureux possède le corps et les rapports intimes. C’est pour cela que le malade doit empêcher le djinn à tout prix d’avoir des relations intimes et ne pas le laisser profiter de lui.Pour cela,- il ne faut pas dormir sans habits ou avec des habits transparents- quand on change ses habits, il faut dire bissmilah Alladi la ilaha illa howa ( Au nom d’ ALLAH, il n’y a d’autre divinité que LUI) avec l’intention de se protéger des yeux des djinns- bien faire les adhkars (invocations de protection) du matin et soir.- Éviter les péchés et faire des bonnes actions- Éviter de dormir seul et demander régulièrement à Allah qu’Il nous préserve du mal de ce djinn.
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Djinn Amoureux, explication, symptomes et Traitements chez les musulmanesLe djinn amoureux est un démon qui vit et se cache dans le corps de sa victime et la prend comme son hôte.Ce type de djinn est amoureux de sa victime (un amour maladif très possessif) et il essaie par toutes ses forces de la posséder et de contrôler sa vie. Il se raccorde au cœur pour avoir une emprise sensationnelle. Ce démon diffuse la tristesse, la colère et plusieurs sensations négatives pour affaiblir le cœur de sa victime.Ses blocages et étouffements c’est le djin en toi qui les provoquent, pour ne pas lui donner l’occasion de faire ce qu’il veut sans entré dans les détails, évite de dormir sur le dos ou sur le ventreCe type de djinn se trouve aussi bien chez les hommes que chez les femmes, qu’ils soient célibataires ou déjà mariés. Cela dit, on le rencontre cependant plus souvent chez les femmes.I/ Parmi les symptômes :La personne atteinte peut avoir ce type de symptômes :- Ne veut jamais se marier ou change de sujets-Haine inexpliquée de l’autre sexe (masculin ou féminin)-Aime la solitude-Se regarde dans le miroir- Reste longtemps dans les toilettes, la salle de bain…- Se maquille la nuit avant de dormir des fois (les femmes)- S’énerve très rapidement et changement radical de comportement d’un extrême à l’autre.- Crise et perte de conscience si le malade se retrouve avec beaucoup de monde (par exemple dans un mariage, ou au marché…)- Refus total du mariage sans raison valable.- Rêves érotiques et rêves de mariage dans une église ou ailleurs.- Haine des bonnes odeurs et répulsion pour le Musk.- Incapacité à faire correctement les adorations comme le dikr, la prière…- Avoir des bleus sur le corps.- être paralysé dans le sommeil très fréquemment- dégoût et envie de vomir, oppression sur la poitrine surtout quand lemalade voit son conjoint, il (le malade) préfère qu’il (son conjoint) soit loin de lui.II/ Les raisons principales qui causent cette maladie :- Le mauvais oeil, surtout chez les personnes qui attirent les regards des autres par leur physique.- Un sihr de divorce (pratiquement dans tous les sihrs de divorce on trouve un djinn amoureux)- Le manque de pratique dans la religion- le Sihr tassfih (sort de virginité), pour empêcher les jeunes filles d’avoir des relations sexuelles avant le mariage- Un toucher par un djinn depuis très longtemps.- lire des histoires d’amour et voir des films érotiques.- Le manque de guidée vers le droit chemin et d’adorations.- La présence d’autres personnes malades dans la famille, comme les parents ou autre, sous un même toit- La femme qui ne porte pas Al-hijab Charii (le voile légal) qui est une protection importante chez les femmes.III/ Traitements de cette maladie :L’auteur de laqt al Morjan a dit : la raison pour laquelle le djinn amoureux possède le corps et les rapports intimes. C’est pour cela que le malade doit empêcher le djinn à tout prix d’avoir des relations intimes et ne pas le laisser profiter de lui.Pour cela,- il ne faut pas dormir sans habits ou avec des habits transparents- quand on change ses habits, il faut dire bissmilah Alladi la ilaha illa howa ( Au nom d’ ALLAH, il n’y a d’autre divinité que LUI) avec l’intention de se protéger des yeux des djinns- bien faire les adhkars (invocations de protection) du matin et soir.- Éviter les péchés et faire des bonnes actions- Éviter de dormir seul et demander régulièrement à Allah qu’Il nous préserve du mal de ce djinn.
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